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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)/Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)

This is a technique used across many areas of medicine to promote faster, more comfortable healing. The platelets of your blood contain elements that mediate healing called “growth factors”. These growth factors are released at times of injury to direct the various mechanisms by which our bodies heal. We have the capability, when doing a surgical procedure, of drawing several tubes of your own blood and, by spinning it in a centrifuge, concentrating the platelets up to 10x their normal amount. We can also harvest fibrin membranes (PRF) from those same blood samples and use them as natural membranes to contain bone graft material in place or assist with gum healing in periodontal surgeries.

Why All the Excitement About PRP/PRF?

PRP/PRF permits the body to take advantage of the normal healing pathways at a greatly accelerated rate. During the healing process, the body rushes many cells and growth factors to the wound in order to initiate the healing process. Platelets assist in the formation of a blood clot and release of growth factors which stimulate stem cells to regenerate new tissue. The more growth factors released and sequestered into the wound, the more stem cells are stimulated to produce new tissue. Thus, PRP/PRF permits the body to heal faster and more efficiently.

Faster Healing

The surgical site is supersaturated PRP/PRF, and thus growth factors, produce an increase in tissue synthesis and faster tissue regeneration.


PRP/PRF is a by-product of the patient’s own blood, therefore, disease transmission is not an issue.


PRP/PRF can be generated in the doctor’s office while the patient is undergoing an outpatient surgical procedure such as the placement of dental implants.


Since PRP/PRF harvesting is done with only 40 ccs of blood in the doctor’s office, the patient need not incur the expense of the harvesting procedure in the hospital or at a blood bank.

Ease of Use

PRP/PRF is easy to handle and actually improves the ease of application of bone substitute materials and bone grafting products by making them more gel-like.

patient at dentist office

PRP/PRFF Has Many Clinical Applications

PRP can be used to aid bone grafting for dental implants. By adding PRP/PRF to the implant site with bone substitute particles, the implant surgeon can now grow bone more predictably and faster than ever before. Its application includes but is not limited to bone grafts, sinus lift procedures, ridge augmentation procedures, and closure of cleft and/or lip, and palate defects. It can also assist in the repair of bone defects created by the removal of teeth, or small cysts and the repair of fistulas between the sinus cavity and mouth.

What Is the Cost?

Although dental implants are a great procedure, many patients are put off by the price. Before you write off implants altogether, take a few factors into consideration. To start, your dental insurance may cover a portion of your procedure. This can cut the price down. Prices also vary per patient. This is because not all patients need the same number of implants or have the same procedures. Although your sister paid thousands of dollars for her implants, yours might not be the same.

Lastly, dental implants offer benefits you can’t get with any other treatment. When you weigh the health benefits and take into consideration that your implants will last you the rest of your life, the investment is well worth the money. Implants have an average success rate of 90 to 95%.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. During the surgical procedure, a small amount of your own blood is drawn out via the IV. This blood is then placed in the PRF centrifuge machine and spun down. In less than 15 minutes, the PRF is formed and ready to use.

Not always. In some cases, there is no need for PRP/PRF. However, in the majority of cases, application of PRP/PRF to the graft will increase the final amount of bone present, in addition to making the wound heal faster and more efficiently

Unfortunately not. The cost of the PRP/PRF application is paid by the patient. The cost will be minimal to the patient.

No. PRP/PRF must be mixed with either the patient’s own bone, a bone substitute material such as demineralized freeze-dried bone, or a synthetic bone product, such as BIO-OSS.

Very few. Obviously, patients with bleeding disorders or hematologic diseases do not qualify for this in-office procedure. Check with Dr. Phillips and/or your primary care physician to determine if PRP/PRF is right for you.


Schedule a visit with Phillips, Cooper & Associates for a PRP/PRF consultation. They helped thousands of patients choose the best treatment for their needs and to restore their smile, confidence, and health. To get started, you can call the office at 202-463-2090 or book an appointment online to get started.

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